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  • Writer's picturepatricia4758

Celebrating the work of Dr. Seuss

Updated: Mar 6, 2020

This week at La Crèche has been full of art and outdoor time as we celebrate the arrival of spring. We started Monday, March 2nd, off by reading The Cat in The Hat in celebration of Dr. Seuss’ birthday. We continued the festivities by recreating these timeless characters with the children’s handprints. Monday, the children used their left hand to demonstrate The Fish (le poisson) telling the kids not to talk to stranger or let them in - a point we stopped and highlighted. On Tuesday, we used the right hand (la main droite) to create Thing 1 (Truc 1) and their left handprint on Thursday to create Thing 2 (Truc 2). To split the creation of “The Things” up and to offer some variety, we used both handprints and a little help from the teachers to create the main character of the story, The Cat in The Hat (le chat dans le chapeau). We discussed the colors as we worked individually with the children to create each character; blue (bleu,) red (rouge,) orange (orange,) and black (noir). The children enjoyed creating each character and how they came to fruition, as well as learning some unfamiliar words and colors highlighted above in parentheses to try at home. Thank you for taking the time to gain a little insight in to our week, see you next Friday!

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